Тема 28710, сообщений: 13
Давайте Пересмотрим Ректификации на Обаму.Есть подозрения. |
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alex lev gold |
![]() ![]() ![]() Президент США боится
----------------------------------------------------- 26.09 14:34 MIGnews.com
Источники сообщают, что президент Барак Обама пребывает в панике по поводу личного досье, находящегося у тайной полиции.
Личный файл президента якобы полон доказательств, подтверждающих, что его свидетельство о рождении – явная подделка.
"Файл находится в руках двух департаментов полиции, это сводит президента с ума, он начал пить", - рассказал некий анонимный источник американскому журналу "Глобус". |
Laal Kholkein |
kkate |
mashina |
jane lotos ![]() |
alex lev gold |
alex lev gold |
alex lev gold |
![]() ![]() ![]() От туда же. Sunday, December 07, 2008 at 12:25 PM John Wallace said... PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA: PLEASE RELEASE YOUR BIRTH RECORDS
I know you are busy setting up your new administration as the President elect of the greatest country in the world, but there are a couple of things about your background and qualifications for the office that concern me and many of my fellow Americans. Never before has a Presidential candidate failed to fully disclose routine information about their background.It seems that many records concerning your background have either been sealed or are temporarily unavailable for review. I know that any honest person like yourself, who is about to assume the highest office in the land, would never overtly want to keep such information from public review.
Here"s a partial list:
1. College records from Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard -- Not available and secured by college administrators. 2. Columbia Thesis paper -- not available, secured by college administrators 3. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate - Not released (sealed?) 4. Certified Copy of Certification of Live Birth -- Not released (sealed?)
I believe items #3 and 4 are the most critical and they concern two issues that are very important to the American people:
1. Are Are you a Natural Born Citizen of the U.S.? and 2. Are you legally qualified to hold the Office of President?
There have been several lawsuits filed, or currently being filed, in 7 or 8 states with various state Boards of Elections, claiming you are ineligible to be on their ballots because you have not produced proof that you are a natural born citizen of the United States.As you may recall, there was a Cetificate of Live Birth (COLB) for you posted on your campaign website in the past that was reported as an original, but which was later found to be only an abstract of a computer record having no connection to the original 1961 COLB document. The abstract copy was later taken down.
In an election of a President, where being a "Natural Born Citizen" is a requirement for the position, I believe that the American people have a right to know if you are a natural born citizen.What does the actual original document say about the birth? What hospital were you born in? Who was the attending physician? What was the date and time? What names are listed on the COLB? I think the question of your birth is a very important constitutional issue and the issue should be publicly put to rest one way or the other.
Mr Obama, it seems that you are creating needless confusion when you could easily avoid all of this doubt simply by asking for release of your original 1961 document and let it be examined. Why haven"t you done this? and why have you fought against every attempt to produce the document?Mr. Obama, if you are truly and honorable man and a "Natural Born Citizen of the United States" you can clear up this issue very quickly. Just sign a release to have the full document examined and made available for public scrutiny.
Your continued avoidance of the issue and your subsequent failure to provide proof that you are a "Natural Born Citizen of the United States" is very suspicious and raises a very important constitutional issue that must be addressed before you take office. I am asking you to stop using legal technicalities, record sealing and courtroom maneuvers to avoid the issue. The American people have every constitutional right to know whether or not you are a "Natural Born Citizen" and they will eventually find out.
Let"s put this issue to rest once and for all so you can get on with the nation"s business.
John Wallace И вот ссылка на дату 8.8.1961
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