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Тема 8806, сообщений: 41

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Ирина Звягина
Основатель сайта Окулус, модератор
     14 января 2007 (22:19)

Значит, в Близнецах.

     14 января 2007 (22:19)

...а телец бы только промычал ... :D

     14 января 2007 (22:20)

Нуу, близнец - не близнец, а тема ... крестоносцев ... меня беспокоит :D

Annabelle is a female given name,a variant of Anna
     14 января 2007 (22:38)

da, takoj Kompozit kak u menja s X ne chasto vstretish'.

Sun in the First House

Composite Sun in the first house often signifies a relationship that is unusually important in terms of your own lives.

Together you may be able to accomplish more in life than you could have separately.

The two of you may tend to worry too much about how you appear to others. This can lead you to neglect the real problems that are not visible to others.

Second, if as individuals you are intrinsically forceful people, the energy of this position may make you come on too strong with others.

For an intimate relationship such as a love affair or marriage, this is an intrinsically excellent position.

Note: The Sun is technically near the end of house 12 and is therefore interpreted in house 1.

Sun Conjunct Venus

The conjunction of Sun and Venus in the composite chart is one of the strongest indications of a love relationship between two people, even in a friendship. It does not primarily indicate a sexual relationship; instead it signifies love, pure and simple. The attraction indicated by this aspect is so powerful that it can bring together people who are incompatible by ordinary criteria.

If the relationship is laden with conflicts, even a strong feeling of love between you may turn to hatred. In most cases, however, this will be a very fine personal relationship.

Sun Conjunct Mars

Composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is a very energetic combination. This relationship will arouse strong energies within you, energies that can be used for getting a great deal of work done or for making changes within yourselves.

You will have many discussions - about your relationship or other subjects that will border on or actually be fights.

Do not suppress your legitimate angers and complaints because of a misplaced desire for peace and quiet. This relationship can grow through creative conflict. If you do suppress your anger or express it indirectly, the relationship could or turn into an endless stream of arguments.

Since Sun conjunct Mars is an indication of physical vitality, you should take part in vigorous physical activity together whenever possible.

In a business or professional relationship this aspect can be an indicator that you will accomplish much with dynamic vigor. But if the energy between you is very strong, it can indicate disputes, disagreements, as well as destructive ego competition.

Sun Conjunct Saturn

Sun conjunct Saturn is a very powerful aspect in a composite chart. It indicates that you have come together to have an important learning experience.

The experience of this relationship may expose you to truths about yourselves that you would rather not face. The point is not to judge yourselves or each other, but to see clearly and with detachment and then try to make changes where necessary.

In many respects you may find this relationship confining and limiting. It may well be that you do need this discipline and that you are not facing your responsibilities. If you need this experience, the relationship may last a lifetime. But if it is really too confining, it will probably not last very long.

Sun Conjunct Pluto

The conjunction of composite Sun and Pluto signifies that this relationship will have very deep and long-lasting effects on you.

This aspect will work in one of two ways. The first possibility is that your relationship will have a very powerful effect on other people. Use that power carefully, because if it is misused, others join together to put you down.

The second possibility is that the relationship will have a powerful internal effect and cause you both to go through important changes and transformations.

One warning, particularly for love relationships and marriages! At times you both will feel that everything is collapsing and that the whole relationship is over. With a strong Pluto, this may simply mean the beginning of a major change; when it is complete you may enter a new phase that will be better than ever for both of you. Try to be patient when such crises occur.

Sun Conjunct Ascendant

The conjunction of the composite Sun and the Ascendant signifies a relationship that is likely to have a considerable impact on its surroundings.

It may be that you are simply a striking pair of people who impress others easily without making any special effort to do so. But it may also be that the two of you are trying to make an impact on those around you for reasons of your own. You are not likely to bow to social pressures.

The most important point about this relationship is that it will have considerable integrity. You will be true to yourselves, and that will certainly help to win you the admiration of others.

Moon in the Seventh House

The composite Moon in the seventh house is a good indication that in this relationship shared feelings will be very important. The seventh is the house of intimate one-to-one encounters, both positive ones such as partnerships and marriage, and negative ones such as open enmities.

In general, the seventh-house Moon favors any intimate relationship in which sharing emotions is important. You will have a strong feeling that you belong together as a unit, and your emotional attitudes toward the outside world will be similar.

You are, however, likely to become too involved in your personal feelings and not be able to see what is really going on between you. Try to stay somewhat detached from difficult situations so that you can deal with them objectively. If you can do that, this should be a very good emotional relationship for both of you.

Moon Opposition Mercury

With composite Moon opposition composite Mercury, the challenge for your relationship is to learn to balance rational communication with communication of feelings. If the relationship is allowed to follow its natural tendencies, you will probably find it difficult to bring the two kinds of communication together.

Usually a discussion will be a very emotional experience with a good deal of sound and fury and not much true communication. You must learn to make the discussion useful for understanding as well as for letting off steam.

Nevertheless, it is possible to bring about a balance, so that real feelings can be communicated clearly and objectively. But you both will have to learn to look at things in a new and different way by standing outside of your involvement and seeing your partner's position.

Venus in the Twelfth House

Composite Venus is one of the least difficult planets to have in the twelfth house.

This placement signifies that while you may have strong feelings of affection for each other, you may not be demonstrative about them. Other people may not even be aware of how you feel about each other. The twelfth-house Venus can be a sign of a secret relationship.

Your relationship may be influenced to a considerable degree by unconscious factors in both of you. It may be difficult to understand the dynamics of this relationship. This can be either good or bad, of course, depending on what you do. In any case, you should try to understand what lies behind your relationship.

On the clearly positive side, this placement can help both of you overcome your ego-drives within the relationship. You are able to think of yourselves as a unit and to subordinate your personal interests to your interests as a couple.

Venus Conjunct Mars

With Venus conjunct Mars in the composite chart you will find that feelings run high between you. This is a passionately intense relationship that is likely to be based at least partly on sexual drives, even if you are of the same sex.

All the emotional reactions between you are heightened considerably by this conjunction. Anger, sadness, and above all, love, are more intense.

Even if you should become enemies, which could happpen, you would be intense enemies. The strong attraction between you prevents you from being detached in any way about each other.

Venus Conjunct Saturn

Venus conjunct Saturn in the composite chart can present problems for a relationship.

Saturn represses the warm and self-expressive nature of Venus and can make a relationship very cold. Even if there are strong feelings between you, the expression of those feelings is somehow always subordinated to more practical considerations.

This aspect particularly can prevent a sexual relationship from ever being consummated, not for lack of feeling, but because of the considerations just mentioned.

This aspect can have another, quite different effect. Your affection may be expressed, and a sexual relationship may be consummated, but in a very cool and restrained manner. Nevertheless, the feeling is genuine, and Saturn's slowing effect may make the relationship steady and enduring.

Venus Conjunct Pluto

Venus conjunct Pluto in the composite chart signifies the power of love as a transforming agent. In this relationship, whether it is a friendship or a love affair, you are seeking something more than love in the ordinary sense. Consequently, everything about your being together becomes extremely important.

In a sexual relationship, physical lovemaking is approached with an intensity that can make the experience very powerful and beautiful.

At any rate this is not likely to be a casual relationship. You will be intensely involved with each other. Love can be transformed into a power struggle if one or both of you tries to use the relationship as a tool for manipulating the other. The victim is powerless to do anything about it, and a strange love-hate tension is set up. When such a situation finally explodes, it can be disastrous.

Obviously this is not a relationship to play with. You must enter into it with serious intentions of making something good of it. You will both have great power over each other, so use it well.

Mars Conjunct Ascendant

The conjunction of composite Mars and Ascendant can be a source of either strength or difficulty. It signifies a relationship in which ego energies run high, so it is very important that the two of you get along well.

This aspect is an indication that the two of you will have some fairly spectacular disagreements. You both are too busy being individuals with your own points of view to really relate to each other. Probably you will irritate each other instead of making each other feel good. If the energy of this aspect works out in this difficult way, the two of you must first settle whether or not you want to have a relationship.

If other indications are favorable, composite Mars on the Ascendant can be very useful for your relationship. Together you make a very strong combination, which other people may see as formidable opposition. Needless to say, this is an excellent indication for any relationship in which there is work to be done.

Одни говорят с небом спорить нельзя, то что дали иметь,то имей Ещё говорят жить надо как вся земля но дело во мне.а не в ней знаю внутри меня сотни тысяч безумств, да,я просто другая Меня разрывает на части от сил,и от чувств,а может быть я уже голубая?
     14 января 2007 (22:49)


новое фото - Моя знакомая, с АСЦ там же, тип внешне близкий к Катрин Денев, та самая(в доме на Патриарших, рядом с кваритирой 50-бис - 3 собаки, 10 котов(6 из которых - лысые), 4 песчанки, 4 лысых крысы, черепахи, хомячки, пара морских свинок и 3 аквариума.

А Близнецы в ароматах тоже неплохо понимают.


Ирина Звягина
Основатель сайта Окулус, модератор
     14 января 2007 (23:04)

Саша, спасибо

а почему так много лысых?

А Близнецы в ароматах тоже неплохо понимают.

И идеально, если эти два знака работают в паре - Мэри Кэй Эш - Солнце в Тельце, Луна с Юпитером в Близнецах.

     14 января 2007 (23:38)

Ирина, все думала - когда такое изменение могло быть. Теперь сообразила.

Если честно - не знаю, почему лысых столько. Они очень горячие, до 43х градусов температура тела, греют постель, ложатся на больные места(впрочем как все коты), и когда видят, что владельцу неважно - могут плакать.


     14 января 2007 (23:47)


скинь ссылку...англ. не знаю...я гляну глазом...мне так быстрее и легче! мерси заранее.

Annabelle is a female given name,a variant of Anna
     14 января 2007 (23:53)

(Автоматический перевод с транслита!)

Агена ,

какую ссылку, ето я его построила на астро.ком.

Вообще я тебе перевожу аспекты , без интерпритаций:

Солнце в 1 доме, Солнце в соединении с Венерой,Солнце в соединении с Марсом , Солнце в соединении с Сатурно, Солнце в соединении с Плутоном,Солнце в соединении с Асц.,Луна в 7 доме , Луна в опозиции к Меркурию,Венера в 12 доме ,Венера в соединении с Марсом, Венера в соедиение с Сатурном, Венера в соединении с Плутоном,Марс в соединении с Асц.

Одни говорят с небом спорить нельзя, то что дали иметь,то имей Ещё говорят жить надо как вся земля но дело во мне.а не в ней знаю внутри меня сотни тысяч безумств, да,я просто другая Меня разрывает на части от сил,и от чувств,а может быть я уже голубая?
     15 января 2007 (00:05)

я поняла, что ты строила на астроком...ты адрес странички на которой есть рисунок композита (его карта)скопируй сюда...и я смогу увидеть твою карту...так Ксю мне делала...и Бета...

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